Monday, October 10, 2011


Batu Seremban or five stones is a traditional game usually played by girls at the verandah, inside the house or any surface area that is flat and clean for the players to sit and play. The game requires five stones or any five small objects known as 'buah' to play with. Besides the common five 'buah', players can also choose to play with seven or nine 'buah', depending on what type of game they are playing .Batu Seremban also known as " Serembat" or  Selambut game. Girls like to play individually and are usually played in groups of two to four people or more

Glass marbles, rubber seeds, pieces of medium  sized gravel or other object slumps round commonly used by children in this game of five seeds. Objects is known as a fruit.

This game is often played during leisure, in the foyer home, at home or wherever they like to require a flat surface and clean. The player must sit on the floor, in this way facilitate the game is loaded.
Before the game started, one by one, players are required to weigh the fruit, togain as many points as the determination of who will play first as a player first, second, third and so on. Fruit weight is with all the fruit is placed on the palm of the hand and tossed keudara, will then be greeted with the back of hands. Total fruit that greeted it was counted as points.

1 comment:

  1. Thanx for this sites.
    I'm doing an assignments of traditional games and your site is very helpful for me
